Friday, July 05, 2024

Sake from the city of Yonago

I enjoyed some delicious sake at dinner with my family tonight. I found it in a pop-up stall in Matsuzakaya Department store this afternoon.

It's unpasteurized which means it's not heated or diluted. More importantly it is made of very rare sake rice called "Goriki", which is exclusively produced in the Tottori prefecture. Another ingredient is white koji mold.
Most people say that unpasteurized sake tastes fruity but the Goriki sake rice and the white koji mold give it a slightly sour, fresh taste. The aftertaste is also very pleasant.

My eyes were glued to the bulletin board on which every detail about the sake was hand-written. I read "Yonago" which is a city in the Tottori prefecture where my grandparents used to live. Sweet memories filled my heart. I enjoyed a chat with one of the staff from the Inata Brewery in Yonago.
The name of the brewery is Inata and this bottle of sake was named after "Princess Inata" who appears in the ancient legends about Shinto deities.

In Japan sake is produced in a number of places and generally speaking each brewery has established a long history and sense of pride. In each location differences in the spring water and rice used to make the sake and differences in climate make each sake very unique. Each one has its own history and taste.
It's really fascinating to find out about and explore these differences and see how they affect the taste.


Monday, July 01, 2024

Minazuki - a half year celebration

It's one of our traditional events to eat a Japanese sweet cake called "Minazuki" at the end of June before July arrives. "Minazuki" means June. I got this cake from a bakery and enjoyed it with my family yesterday. It's a traditional steamed mochi cake made from rice powder and sugar and topped with sweetened red beans. The cake represents our wish both to avoid bad fortune and to survive the harsh summer heat. The slightly translucent white mochi depicts cool ice and the red beans are believed to be an auspicious food that can fend off evil.

The first half of 2024 is over today, June 30th, it's time for us to reflect on our lives during the first six months of the year and purify our minds hoping for the other half of the year to be peaceful. It's a good time for us to pause for thought before we start again and attempt to stay healthy in mind and body for the latter part of the year. Many Shinto shrines also conduct a ritual today. I love these old customs from the past that show as much respect for the spiritual side of life as for the enjoyment of the special foods they involve.

Wednesday, February 14, 2024

Kabuki Day

I had a great time and really enjoyed my Kabuki day with my good friend Yuriko-san. What made it more fun for us was going to the theater in kimonos. Due to the pandemic, it had been quite some time since I last had the opportunity to savour the spectacular, dramatic, breathtaking and powerful experience of Kabuki theater. All in all, it was a perfect day.

Kabuki is an art that was proclaimed by UNESCO as an intangible heritage with an outstanding universal value. In today's diverse world, this traditional performance remains pre-dominantly male-dominated with a history spanning over 400 years, although it might be interesting to learn that it was first originated by a female dancer and her troupe. Kabuki went through some complicated changes during its early development before attaining its current social status as having one of the most accomplished traditional troupe of performers. Preserving their tradition and performance skills has been an ongoing and continous endeavour. Ultimately, this comes down to the expectations in the family and the goals set in the house of the male performers.

Yesterday I watched the performance in a Kabuki theater where one of the renowned families of Kabuki performers made a public appeal on stage. They announced that their 10-year-old son is now prepared to start his professional life as a Kabuki actor. It was so touching to see his innocent but perfect performance. I was deeply moved as I envisioned the long and challenging journey that lies ahead for him to become a respected kabuki actor of the next generation, inheriting his father's skills and reputation. 

Friday, September 30, 2022

The fascinating enigma of red spider lilies


Red spider lilies, in Japanese, “Higan-bana” (flowers which bloom on and around the Autumnal Equinox) have a very peculiar reputation among the older generation in Japan. My grandma, my mother and my mother-in-law all used to say that you can't grow red spider lilies in your home garden.
The reason being that these flowers were likely to bring unwelcome happenings in families- at least this was what they'd been taught. The flowers were often linked to blood and even fire because of their vivid red color. So where does all this come from?

Somehow spider lilies were considered ominous despite their beauty. This was due to a commonly believed association with “death” stemming from a story way back when people buried bodies in the ground after a funeral. To prevent animals unearthing the ground in graveyards, people planted spider lilies in and around graves. The flowers have poison in their bulbs, petals, stems and leaves and grow in clusters. Thus they kept our ancestors’ bodies from being damaged by animals.
Now due to changes in our lifestyle, we don’t use the flowers for this purpose anymore. Nowadays farmers plant spider lilies simply to protect their products from mice, moles, and insects.

Red spider lilies are now, generally speaking, free from this malicious image. However there are still some people who choose to hang on to fears and superstitions and for them red spider lilies are no exception. Ironically Buddhism has a totally opposite view of the flower and regards it as a sign of grace . In Japanese there are more than 1,000 different names for spider lilies, one is “Manjushage”. Sounds exotic, doesn’t it? It comes from Hindi and means - a heavenly flower which doesn't grow on earth but only in heaven!

Nowadays people enjoy watching these flowers bloom in clusters in parks, gardens, rice fields, and riverbanks. They are delightful to look at and weirdly become even more attractive when we hear about the creepy stories surrounding them!
They are just BEAUTIFUL flowers!

Friday, December 04, 2020

One aspect of changing seasons in our daily life


I had an important tea gathering to attend last month. It was called "Kuchikiri no Chaji", which literally means "to unseal the pot of tea leaves."  It is an important tea procedure throughout the year to open it up for the first time,  take the tea leaves out of it, and grind the tea leaves to enjoy in the tea gathering.
Inside a pot, new leaves picked in early summer this year have been packed almost a half year for the best flavor. It was the first day to unseal this pot in our tea class.
We wore kimono to celebrate this occasion.
My teacher told us that this procedure was like celebrating the coming of the new year in the world of Japanese tea gatherings. I put on kimono that day with a sash full of embroidery depicting autumn harvest of fruits. I enjoyed our traditional kimono culture to appreciate the changes of the season, too. 
This gorgeous sash was from my late mother-in-law whose  mother had prepared for her marriage in 1930s. This is so precious and valuable in quality, too  I’m responsible for handing it over to my daughter.


Friday, August 14, 2020

Does COVIT-19 change our culture?


 We are in the midst of the Obon holidays in Japan. 

Obon is a series of Buddhist memorial services for family ancestors which generally takes place on August 14 and on 15. To put it more precisely, when the event takes place depends on the sect you belong to or the local area you live in. My family belongs to the Soto sect and the services of Obon actually start earlier in August.

Every year, this is the time when many Japanese visit family graves in temples together along with family members who usually live apart such as children with families of their own. It’s a big family reunion.

However, this year, due to the coronavirus pandemic, things are quite different.

In order to avoid close contact, our temple has decided to minimize Obon memorial services. They have also limited the number of visitors from one family. The other day, at the beginning of the Obon, two people from one family were allowed to attend the service with a mask on in accordance with the service time schedule. The temple main hall used to be full of families coming in and out the whole day, exchanging greetings with one another—but not this year. There was no opportunity for us to talk with the principle monk and his family in person, and no tea service to relax with after the prayers either. We just gave a simple bow in greeting and farewell from a distance.

On August 15th, the last day of the Obon, the memorial service for our ancestors won't be an exception. This time, four members from one family will be allowed to participate in the memorial service in the main hall.
Surprisingly enough, many other temples have also suspended the Obon memorial services in their halls and have decided to provide memorial services via the Zoom meeting instead. We had never expected that IT technology would prevail in our traditional practices at temples and at home.

I know the temples took a drastic measure to prevent us from infection. Yet, it's sad that we are forced to change our tradition. No one can tell what Obon will look like next year.

No matter what, it’s time for us to remember our ancestors, including our parents who left us not so long ago, and to pray to them for protection at our family altar.


Tuesday, June 16, 2020

The Amabie is Back

 In Japanese folklore, we have many imaginary supernatural creatures called “youkai”, whose history mostly dates back to the period between the 17th and the 19th centuries.

The “amabie” is one example. It has recently caught our attention throughout the country. The creature has a mermaid-like body but its face looks like a bird with a beak, and it wears its hair very long. It is believed to be a harbinger of disease, telling people, "Draw my image and pass it on to others so as to ward off infectious disease." That's the reason the amabie has come back into our modern lives during the coronavirus pandemic.

People have been posting many amabie drawings on SNS, and they have gone viral. What's more, Japanese sweet shops across the country have been making sweets in shape of the creature.

Let's not talk about whether you approve of this business trend of making a profit from coronavirus confusion. We surely take comfort in sharing amabie products in hopes that we can put an end to the crisis.

Wednesday, May 27, 2020

A concern following the lifitng of the state of emergency

This is the familiar view of the station building I saw this morning.
It was good to see nothing had changed. That being said, I feel that something has changed inside of me. I'm looking at the scenery with different eyes. I saw people wearing masks, few cars pulling in to the station, and few people waiting on the Shinkansen platform.

The state of emergency was lifted on Monday. Schools, businesses and many other social activities are gradually starting again with new social norms, such as washing your hands, wearing masks, and maintaining physical distance with others. Social life now definitely seems different from the one we cherished.

I hope we can manage this new stage in our lives without any serious cases rebounding.

Friday, February 08, 2019

The girl's death

Let me express how I feel in relation to the recent news of this girl's death.
I feel the same way most mothers do. It is terrible and a nightmare. I hope that the presence of neglect in our society won’t cripple the future of our children.

Whenever the story is aired, it makes me so depressed and angry toward the schools, education boards and police of two prefectures, Okinawa and Chiba, for their mishandling of her case and lack of coordination. The girl could have been saved and would be alive now if the teachers and officials had made more solid attempts at protecting the abused girl.

Gosh, whenever I recall the news, I want to scream at the guy from the education board for carelessly handing over the girl's questionnaire, full of her cries for help, to her sick father. She would still be alive if the education board hadn’t have handed over the questionnaire to her abusive father, who demanded the man show it.

After all, this only enraged her father and escalated his abuse of her.
She was found dead in the bathroom of her house. It makes me so depressed that no one could save her. These days, the occurence of domestic violence is spoken about in our society. Though abuse takes place behind closed doors, it is our duty to protect abused children on a more proactive and social level.

Monday, April 16, 2018

Charms of visiting Nagoya

 The city of Nagoya, the capital of Aichi Prefecture, is located just between Tokyo and Osaka. Nagoya has a history as a homeland of "samurai" warriors who had fought to unify the country in the 16th and 17th centuries. In fact the first political leader in history, called a "shogun, " came from this region. Nagoya Castle and Main Palace are part of our influential heritage and show the achievement of outstanding samurai in those days.

Present Nagoya is the fourth largest city in Japan and the leading city of the manufacturing industries across the nation especially in the automobile, aviation and iron & steel industries. Over the years, this success is still greatly owed to the samurai rulers. These rulers encouraged skilled craftsmen to move to this region to promote the local industry while the central samurai government had failed to protect them due to strict economy policies.

Nagoya is a hub. Nowadays, many tourists from abroad see the advantages of visiting Nagoya. We have Chubu International Airport which is a 40-minute train ride to and from the center of Nagoya. The Shinkansen Bullet train from Nagoya station connects the city to many destinations nationwide. Furthermore, accommodation is more reasonable in regards to price compared to any other big tourist cities like Kyoto, Tokyo and Osaka. Please make the best use of your JR Pass to go back and forth. While you are in town, you will surely feel at home, too. It's easy to get around with public transportation such as the subway, buses, and private train lines.

For tourists visiting Nagoya for the first time, Nagoya Castle including Main Palace should be top of the list. You may also like to visit the popular temple in downtown Nagoya and also one of the three main great shrines in Japan. Aside from these, you may like to visit Toyota Museum of Industry and Technology, Tokugawa Art Museum or one or two Japanese gardens. Depending on how long you will be in Nagoya, I will customize the best tour for you accordingly so you can really get the most out of your stay.

Let's explore Nagoya! I hope you find the city charming!