
Sunday, March 08, 2009

Sunday afternoon

The course of Nagoya International Women's Marathon
(click for a larger image)
Every early spring, Nagoya International Women's Marathon takes place in our city. It's one of the famous and important marathon competitions for women runners in term of being nominated for some delegate athletes for the next coming Olympic games.
Today it was the very day of it. I watched the marathon on TV and enjoyed the competition. Every time there are lots of people along the streets to give the runners big hands and cheer them up. In fact running is a very simple sports but when it comes to the competition, running will be required a lot of techniques and strategies to win. That seems to be very exciting. But more than that, I like watching it especially on TV. It's really fun to see many spots which are very familiar to me. I took some pictures from TV with my mobile just for fun.


  1. I used to run too, when I was young :)), I'm not a sports person now. But every one has his own interest. Here you find a subscription how to make a box, . if this does not work, click on the box on the sidebar above on my blog, that is the same. we call it cartonnage too. Perhaps you can try it sometime, it is not that difficult just a bit precision work. And lots off fun to do. Byeeeee, from Jeany.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Hi, me again, with the link didn't go right, if you push the foto on my blog sidebar on the right, then you see what I mean. Have a nice week. Greetings fdrom jeany

  4. Hihi Laundry thats funny :)
    The today's photo :
    I have two daughters who are still studying, and on the weekends so come home with dirty laundry. So I have to wash on Sunday and it was with us today beautiful sunny weather....

    I look like sports on TV.
    Especially for the Olympics :))
    And yes Japan has always more gold medals LOL, but The Netherlands is also a small country HEHE
    I sport 2 times a week :) I love it ,it is healthy for body and mind

    Have a great day (@^.^@)
    Talk to you soooooooooooooooooon :)

  5. Ooooh Marathons! They involve so much discipline, I really admire people who are able to compete in those. I love to watch the face of the winners!
