
Thursday, March 05, 2009

It should be a surprise

Today I worked on these small baskets of tapes made of recycled papers.
It's a very easy design for a beginner to make. Of course, there are more complicated patterns for advanced learners. But right now I'm quite satisfied with these. To tell you the truth I'm going to make two more and make four in all. I haven't told these anybody but a friend who showed me how to make these baskets. I'll tell you that I'm going to give these to four of my friends as a little gift to show my gratitude. As far as here I talk of this surprise in English, they won't have any chances to know of it. It's just exciting to imagine how they will look when I bring the baskets to them. Here is the previous post about this eco craft, as well.


  1. You MADE these? Wow! You are so talented! I am sure your friends will adore them!

  2. Such a basket, I would also like to have one HEHE.... beautiful :)
    I have baskets made of dried straw!!
    But that was long ago !!
    Creative busy with your hands, are healthy for body and mind :))))

    Anya & Kareltje (@^.^@).

  3. oh, that's pretty! I'd love to learn to make it, lovely!

    *eco mind: it's eco friendly and it'd be a cute good to sell (now, eco as economic, lol.)

  4. I just looking at your blog :))))
    awwwwwwwwwwwwww is that your station, what a beautiful building!
    But I know Japan is very beautiful, it's a dream for me to once again go on holiday to Japan, maybe if I win the lottery HEHE

  5. Hi, friends! Thanks for your kind comments. I've been to the US, Indonesia but not the Netherland. However, my husband stayed there for three months and I had a very nice friend whose name was Yan from the Netherland when I was in the US. So I feel somewhat very special that I've come across with each of you from these different countries.

  6. Sounds like you've done a lot of traveling. I LOVE visiting new places and meeting new people. The details of different cultures fascinate me.

    My mother is Filipino, and my dad is Italian, and I was born and raised in Australia, so I have had lots of different cultural influences in my life. My husband is half Korean, half Danish, and lived in Germany, so he has a lot of cultural influences too.

    Someday we want to make a trip out to Japan - I love all your stories about it!

  7. very nice basket you made. My compliments. I like handcrafting too. I wish you a nice weekend, my regards, jeany 's Brunnen

  8. Dionne, isn't it exciting that you and your husband are so international! You both must have lots of essence from four different cultures. I'm sure that makes your life unique and something special. How exciting! Thanks for telling me your story.

  9. Hello, Jeany. It's so nice you have dropped by and left the message. You love handcrafts, too. I visited two of your blogs. I don't understand the German language but I'll try to make myself understood useing google translation. Thanks again for coming to my site.

  10. Hello Photojoy, thank you for visiting my blog, I didn't now that you left an message on your one blog, but when you told me, I rushed reading that one too :))) Thank you that you ad my Link. I will do this too. I sometimes forgot to write in english too, but I have more English minded visitors, so that's why I now also write in English. It is nice to meet people from distance country's. I like to read more from your live in Japan, so I'm coming back gladly. Have a nice weekend. Best wishes from Jeany

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. Oh! You've been to Indonesia before? Ooo... and I envy you for traveling a lot... I want to do it too, maybe someday when I've had my pocket full of bucks ;) Japan is of course a country on my 'to visit' list.

    Oh, and to answer your question on my blog, since I'm kinda confused where to, lol. I'll just answer in both you and my comment pages...

    How I learn english is practically the same way the other children do at school, it's just that (maybe) I have more interest to language, which would explain why I am now majoring french lit. Yes, we speak Indonesian in daily life, but there are also heaps of English course around that can help you learn English (I never take any of these, though).

    One other reason why is maybe my dream to go traveling all around the world, lol. I just have to be able to speak English. And actually, language and Economy is my natural specialty, nobody ever really teach me excluding school, it's my personal interest. You know, when you love something/someone it'll be much easier to understand it/him/her/them, right? ;)

  13. Wow.. these baskets are amazing. I can't believe you made these!

  14. Hi, MIss Tiara,
    Thank you for answering my question.
    Yes,"We tend to be good at those things we like." as it is often pointed out.I'm glad I have a couple of "likes".

  15. Hello, Lilith. Thank you for coming and leaving a comment. Yes, believe it or not, I myself made them. Paper tapes are much easier to handle than dried vines.
