
Monday, August 24, 2009

the 91th National High School Baseball Tournament

Chukyo High School baseball team from our city, Nagoya won 1st national high school championship in 43 years!!! Gee, it was a good and thrilling game. The school team from our city, Nagoya pulled out a 10-9 victory over the Niigata school but Niigata showed their tough spirit in the last inning with two outs almost catching up to 10.
Every year in August the National High School Baseball Tournament takes place for about two weeks at Koshien Baseball Stadium, which has the oldest history in Japan. For all the high school baseball players, playing games at Koshien is their final goal. However, there only 49 high school teams out of about 4000 schools can come to Koshien as the representative team of each 49 prefectures in Japan.
The National High School Baseball Tournament is so popular and loved by most people across the country. Why? It's only a high school baseball. You might think. Most Japanese love the young players' pure sportsmanship, their enthusiasm to baseball, effort, teamwork, dedication-----most Japanese see the spirits of good old days on those high school players. I'm not so much crazy about watching professional baseball games in general but this "Koshien" is something different. There are many more people like me regardless of ages and sexes. People are paying so much attention to the games during the tournaments. In the end I just feel proud of two team respectively. Here is a slide show from a Japanese newspaper. Seeing is believing. ( be aware of background sound volume)


  1. koshien! I read a lot about it in the manga detective conan! It's sooo famous and legenday, I should visit it one day, although I'm not a big fan of baseball, I should give it a go. Hahaha. it's like the place of all hot guys? no? the baseball players must be hot =d

  2. How nice! So good to win finally; your team must be very proud. This picture looks great too. Nice angle and composition.

  3. How fun! Want to know something funny? I don't know anything about all. Someday I'll have to attend a game. :)

  4. This is such a coincidence! Brian and I just took our Australian friends to their first ever baseball game this weekend! Ha! But yes, the game is so exciting, I didn't realize that they played Baseball in Japan!

  5. wow...43 years is such a long time...but finally they did it!
    Must be super thrilling for Nagoya!
    ps: thank you for your kind words to me & my baby!! you are always so sweet, my friend!

  6. Such a nice story :)

    ( Sorry I am late a was a few days not on my blog )
    Yes I now I saw it on tv from our KINGS ..... LOL
    They are always good friends :)

  7. Hello! I am sure you are busy with every day life, but I just wanted to stop in and say hello and that I miss your posts! It's been a week of no Photojoy!!!!
