
Friday, March 20, 2009

Being hectic

I'm tied up with several works to do by the end of this month.
I've finished some paper works for registering our volunteers group for the coming fiscal year, and have attended two meetings by now, revised our leaflets and printed out 5o, taken care of e-mails and answered them. Oh,I have some more to finish but that's all for tonight.
I've got to go to bed earlier than usual. Tomorrow, I have to get to one of the city hotels lobby downtown at 8:15 to join the wholesale fish market guide tour. For these years, some big fish markets especially in big cities like Tokyo, Osaka, and Nagoya are getting popular sightseeing spots for visitors from abroad. The auctions at such a market begin very early in the morning, of course we are not allowed to be there at the site, but we have a chance to see and walk around the wholesale stores and do some shopping. The market is indeed a surprising chaos for the visitors. It must be fun. I'll tell you more about it tomorrow.


  1. Boy, you do sound busy! Wow!

    I have never been to a fish market, but have always wanted to go. Both times I went to New York, my schedule was too hectic to stop by their fish markets. Oh well, maybe when I go to Japan some day...

    On a different note, the Glamour Magazine blog mentioned me, yay! Here it is, if you want to see it:

  2. Hello Mekkan, I will look forward to the story and pictures off the visit to the market, It seems very interesting. You have a busy, but interesting life. Have a nice weekend, Best wishes from Jeany

  3. Ah! It's great to see you finally post again! I've been missing you! Same hectic days here, okay, I'm not as busy as you, I think. But yeah! ;D

    Just don't forget to have a good rest so you'll stay healthy (Now, now, I sound like my mother...)

  4. In response to you comment on my blog: it's exciting, isn't it? Thanks for sharing in my excitement!
